A bear cub who scratched at least 18 students has been spared after health officials declared that it was not a rabies threat.
Reuters reports that ‘Boo Boo’ visited Washington University in St. Louis, USA last week, as part of a petting zoo intended to reduce stress ahead of exams. The scratches had quite the opposite effect, with health officials initially warning that they could not rule out the possibility of rabies, a potentially deadly virus which requires rapid treatment.
There were worries that a rabies test, which would involve euthanising Boo Boo, would have to be carried out, but thankfully the university released a statement on Friday saying that the bear posed no threat and treatment would not be necessary. It read:
“We are very pleased that this unfortunate situation has come to the best possible conclusion for everyone involved — our students, our community, and the bear cub.”
Best stick to puppies and kittens in the future then!