Think you know how to make the perfect cup of tea - timing the brewing to the second, squeezing the bag just enough, and adding a splash of milk with military-precision? I'm afraid the manufacturers of this pricey new gadget disagree entirely.
Aimed at "beverage artisans", the machine makes use of Reverse Atmospheric Infusion (Rain) technology, creating a vacuum in the brewing chamber to extract every bit of flavour from the tea leaves. So no more debates on whether the tea-bag or the water go in first. And no, it doesn't add milk for you.
It's programmed to brew all sorts of different tea types, which require different brewing times, and it can pump out about 60 mugs every hour if you're the binging type.
But at $13,000, perfection in the art of tea-making will have to wait for most of us. A cheaper version is in the works, but until then we'll just have to settle for our own tried and tested methods, passed down mammy-to-mammy through the generations.