If you are browsing the web on April 1st, then do so with some extra sceptism. Obviously you should probably always take a lot of what you read online with a few pinches of salt, but today particularly website admins around the world are out to mislead you.
This brings out some of the best and a lot of the worst in people's creativity. While some go above and beyond the call of duty (Google, basically), other cases show up web humour at its most desperate. Still, there's always some fun to be had on this day, even if the believable pranks are few and far between.
Here's some of this year's offerings, which we'll update when more come to light. Highpoints or lowpoints of April 1st tomfoolery? You decide...
Spoiler warning: Obviously only read on if you're happy to have some of the gags spoiled on you...
Google - Google Maps Pokemon
As ever, Google has shamed everyone with their elaborate April Fools gag. The video advertising a 'Pokemon trainer' job is obviously a joke. However, if you open Google Maps on your Android or iOS smartphone, you're treated to a full Pokemon hunting game. Yes, 150 of the popular pocket monsters have been hidden around the world map for the committed to find, with a supposed deadline of tomorrow. It's worryingly addictive.
The Guardian - Independent Scots to Drive on the Right
Bruce Roberts of The Guardian is suggesting that the Scottish people will find themselves driving on the opposite side of the road if independence goes through. This would be to show commitment to the EU. The article points out that campaigners "are concerned, however, that opponents of the move to the right might mobilise under the emotive slogan: 'Proud to be left.'"
The Telegraph - New Scottish Coin
In a more obvious gag, The Telegraph is also picking on a potential independent Scotland with the proposal that the country's new coins will prominently feature politican Alex Salmond's head.
The Irish Times - Republic of Ireland and the World Cup
If this suspect Irish Times article is to be believed (and it shouldn't be), the Irish football team could be travelling to Brazil this summer to replace the French in the World Cup. According to the article, Roy Keane "is understood to have personally overseen the purchase of extra training balls and bibs for such an eventuality".