
Three gay men 'hunted' by gang with knives in Phoenix Park - Senator

The Seanad has heard three gay men were 'hunted' by a group of six others with knives in Dublin's Phoenix Park
Jack Quann
Jack Quann

18.43 19 Jun 2024

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Three gay men 'hunted' by gang...

Three gay men 'hunted' by gang with knives in Phoenix Park - Senator

Jack Quann
Jack Quann

18.43 19 Jun 2024

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Three gay men were 'hunted' by a group of six other men with knives in Dublin's Phoenix Park on Monday, the Seanad has heard.

Fine Gael Senator Barry Ward says one of the victims contacted him about the alleged incident.

The group escaped but was later told there was no CCTV and there was no ability to identify the crowd.


Senator Ward told the chamber what one of the men told him.

"Yesterday I received a report from Jamie, who was in Phoenix Park with two of his friends, and was chased and - as he said - hunted by six men with knives," he said.

"They got away from them but God knows what would have happened if they hadn't.

"This still goes on; Phoenix Park, apparently, is not safe for people.

"These guys were just walking through the park and they were chased by these men".

'What is going on?'

Senator Ward said more needs to be done to protect people.

"What on Earth is going on that this is still happening in Ireland in 2024? When every right-thinking remember of society recognises the normality of sexual relationships between people of the same gender," he said

"What is going on that we are not tackling this? What is going on that we don't have Gardaí in the park?

"When they went to the Guards about it they were told there wasn't CCTV or they couldn't identify the [people]."

Senator Ward said similar reports are happening too regularly.

"We see reports from time to time - far too regularly - of people being attacked because of their sexuality, of being abused on the street," he said.

"Ordinary people walking down the street holding hands, getting verbal abuse from people who don't seem to understand that they are perfectly entitled to do that and that they are normal members of society and they are entitled to do it as any hetrosexual couple."

Senator Ward said there should be "at least" patrols in Phoenix Park along with further education for Park Rangers or for another Garda presence in the park to protect people.

Garda appeal

Gardaí say they are aware of an alleged incident in the Phoenix Park on Monday night.

They say officers responded at 11:35pm but following a lengthy patrol of the area "no person made any formal report to An Garda Síochána."

Gardaí are appealing to anyone with direct knowledge or who has been a victim of such an incident in the area to contact them.

"Following the reports of this alleged incident, An Garda Síochána through the Garda National Community Engagement Bureau and Community Policing Unit in Cabra Garda Station have been in contact with LGBTQIA+ advocacy groups," a statement added.

Main image: Dublin's Phoenix Park is seen in the autumn, 19-11-13. Image: Sam Boal/

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Cctv Gang Gay Men Jamie Robertson Phoenix Park Pride Month Seanad Senator Barry Ward Senator Ward

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