
Three stories to watch on Thursday

Marie Farrell A key witness in Ian Bailey's action for damages over claims he was wrongfully arre...

22.54 3 Dec 2014

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Three stories to watch on Thur...

Three stories to watch on Thursday


22.54 3 Dec 2014

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Marie Farrell

A key witness in Ian Bailey's action for damages over claims he was wrongfully arrested for the murder of French film producer Sophie Toscan du Plantier will continue giving evidence on Thursday.

Shopkeeper Marie Farrell told the High Court on Wednesday she believed gardai when they told her they knew the former journalist was responsible for the 1996 killing in West Cork.


Tax evasion allegations

Mary Lou McDonald today named six individuals named in a dossier on tax evasion. Five of those six have now issued denials of involvement, including former Tánaiste Mary Harney.

Meath double-murder investigation

A man remains in garda custody in connection with the murder of Eoin O'Connor and Anthony Keegan in Meath. The man, in his 50s, was arrested on Wednesday evening.

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