Tighter regulation of nitrous oxide gas is required, Sinn Féin’s Mark Ward has said.
The gas has been used as an anaesthetic in medical settings and can also be used as a food additive.
It is commonly known as ‘laughing gas’ and is sometimes inhaled recreationally to induce euphoria or uncontrollable laughter for a short period of time.
Medics have warned the gas can lead to hospitalisation and Deputy Ward said it has become a “significant” problem in his Dublin Mid West constituency.
“Young people are presenting there [to hospital] with numbness in the hands, in the feet, in the extremities,” he told Newstalk Breakfast.
“There’s also serious issues that people are having with balance, there’s problems with the heart rates and there’s also mental health issues that are associated with the use of it.
“There could also potentially be lasting, long-term neurological problems that we just don’t know about now.”

The HSE says over one in five young people attending their Adolescent Addiction Service admitted to taking nitrous oxide and Deputy Ward is introducing legislation to tighten regulation.
“The bill I’m introducing is to regulate that so it can’t be sold outside of those [catering and medical] industries,” he said.
“It won’t criminalise the young person for the possession of nitrous oxide but it would give the Gardaí the power to confiscate it.”
Last year, the Netherlands banned the sale of nitrous oxide gas for recreational purposes on the grounds of “enormous health risks” and its link to “terrible” road accidents in the country.
“It [the legislation] is working in Holland, I don’t see why it can’t be working here,” Deputy Ward said.
He hopes to secure Government support for the legislation and says TDs from other parties share his concerns.
Main image: Nitrous-oxide canisters. Picture by: Alamy.com