
Timeline: Making sense of #GSOC

Keep up to date with this ever developing story as it breaks on Newstalk Taoiseach Enda Kenny co...

16.46 14 Feb 2014

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Timeline: Making sense of #GSO...

Timeline: Making sense of #GSOC


16.46 14 Feb 2014

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Keep up to date with this ever developing story as it breaks on Newstalk

Taoiseach Enda Kenny confirms the Justice Minister Alan Shatter has “relieved Mr Connolly of his duties”.


Chairman of GSOC Simon O'Brien has said he believes that the building was under some form of surveillance:

John Mooney, Sunday Times Security correspondent, defended his story reporting surveillance on the Garda Ombudsman Commission:

In the Dáil the opposition parties demanded an assurance that the State itself had not put GSOC under surveillance.

The Tanaiste appeared to be dodging the question, but eventually gave TDs a firm assurance that he was satisfied that no organ of the State had a hand in any surveillance:

Minister Shatter says the Garda watchdog and its members have his backing:

Meanwhile the Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan is insisting no member of the force was involved in surveillance of GSOC and is calling on anyone with evidence to prove otherwise to come forward:

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