
[Top5@5] ECB bailout threat letter will be released

The Finance Minister says an ECB letter – which allegedly threatened Ireland into acceptin...

17.14 27 Aug 2012

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[Top5@5] ECB bailout threat le...

[Top5@5] ECB bailout threat letter will be released


17.14 27 Aug 2012

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The Finance Minister says an ECB letter – which allegedly threatened Ireland into accepting a bailout – will be released to the planned banking inquiry.

The document was sent from the then European Central Bank President Jean Claude Trichet to former Finance Minister Brian Lenihan – two days before the deal was signed.


Fianna Fail and Sinn Fein are calling on the Government to immediately publish the contents of the letter – which have been keep secret since 2010.

Michael Noonan says the document – which he describes as a “very firm” letter – will be given to whatever banking inquiry is set up:

/> The Data Protection Commissioner has been notified after a security breach involving customers of Ulster Bank.

A folder containing information on a “small number” of customers was found on the ground outside one of its offices.

NewsTalk’s Anna Kavanagh reports:

/> The Finance Minister Michael Noonan is insisting that the details of the proposed Property Tax – to be introduced next year – have still to be worked out.

It follows reports that the new charge will be based on a valuation of what the house is worth, and not on the size of the dwelling.

Sinn Féin says it will oppose the tax.

The party’s Finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty – who wants to see the introduction of a wealth tax instead – says a property tax is a flawed idea:

Essex Police believe a lion – thought to be on the loose near Clacton – may in fact have been a large domestic cat or a wildcat.

They launched a major search operation after several reported sightings in St Osyth last night, but have now called off the mission.

David and Susan Wright say they spotted the mystery creature and handed their photos to the police.

In Syria, at least 35 people including children have been killed in east Damascus today.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says 12 people including children died in shelling in the town of Zamalka.

Rebels are using hit-and-run tactics in the capital – waging what analysts have described as urban guerrilla warfare.

Rebels from the Free Syrian Army claimed to have downed a military helicopter in the district of Qaboon earlier today.

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