
[Top5@5] Joan Burton says looking after older people is a shared Oireachtas value

Looking after older people is a value that is shared by most people in the Oireachtas. That was t...

17.08 17 Sep 2012

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[Top5@5] Joan Burton says look...

[Top5@5] Joan Burton says looking after older people is a shared Oireachtas value


17.08 17 Sep 2012

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Looking after older people is a value that is shared by most people in the Oireachtas.

That was the message from the Social Protection Minister earlier, when she was asked to respond to comments from the Junior Finance Minister at the weekend, when he said wealthier pensioners could pay more to the State.

Joan Burton says she’s “surprised” at comments from Brian Hayes, who said pensioners have escaped the bulk of the cuts, while many of working age have been hit the hardest.


Earlier, Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin said his party would oppose any changes to pensions and the free travel pass.

Joan Burton says budgetary decisions are for the cabinet to make, and everything is open to exploration:

The Fianna Fáil leader’s launched a scathing attack on the Health Minister ahead of a motion of no confidence in James Reilly in the Dáil.

Addressing his party’s TDs and Senators behind closed doors at a meeting in Dublin, Micheál Martin told them there was now a “deep sense of despair” in the health service because of the management of James Reilly.

Speaking to reporters, Mr Martin says the pre-election promises have all been broken and he says Doctor Reilly brought forward a dihonest budget for health:

The Irish Family Planning Association is calling on the Health Service Executive to ringfence its funding for next year.

The IFPA, which provides sexual health services and crisis pregnancy counselling says its budget has been reduced by more than 25% over the last 4 years.

The agency says it has been unable to meet the increased demand from medical card holders as a result of the cutbacks.

The IFPA Chief Executive Niall Behan is also raising concerns over the lack of access to screening services for sexually transmitted infections:

Gardaí at Ballyfermot are investigating an incident of criminal damage at the constituency office of Sinn Féin TD Aengus Ó Snodaigh.

At around 2.30 this afternoon, a person entered the shared premises on Ballyfermot Road, Dublin 10, tried to set off a petrol bomb, failed to do so, and then started a small fire at the bottom of the staircase.

No-one was injured.

Deputy Ó Snodaigh says the incident could have endangered the lives of both his staff, and other workers based in the building.

Bord Gáis Energy is to increase its residential electricity prices by almost 5%.

It says the 4.8% rise will add 99 cent per week to the average electricity bill.

The group says the hike is driven by theincrease in transmission and distribution charges as well as the jump in the wholesale cost of gas.

It announced just under a fortnight ago that it is also to raise gas prices by 8.5%.

The changes will take effect from the middle of next month.

It follows a similar move by Electric Ireland which recently announced an increase in its tariffs.

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