
[Top5@5] UK Foreign Office will extradite Julian Assange

The British Foreign Office says it WILL carry out its legal obligation to extradite Wikileaks fo...

17.04 16 Aug 2012

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[Top5@5] UK Foreign Office wil...

[Top5@5] UK Foreign Office will extradite Julian Assange


17.04 16 Aug 2012

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The British Foreign Office says it WILL carry out its legal obligation to extradite Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

/> It says it’s disappointed by Ecuador’s decision to grant the Australian political asylum – and that it will continue to negotiate with the Ecuadorean authorities.

Julian Assange took refuge in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London in June after losing an appeal against extradition to Sweden to be questioned over alleged sexual offences.


The Wikileaks founder, who denies the allegations, claims he has been set up and will be extradited to the United States for leaking US diplomatic cables.

But Extradition expert, Lord Carlile QC, thinks today’s decision changes nothing:

/> The CEO of the Local Government Management Agency says he’s not exaggerating when he says local authorities are so stuck for cash – that they may need to turn off some street lights in order to cut costs.

/> Paul McSweeney made the comments as the latest figures show just 61 per cent of homeowners have so far paid the controversial 100 euro tax.

A second batch of reminder letters are now being sent to those who haven’t paid – and some councils have written to community-run sports clubs and organisations for the disabled, telling them their grants will be suspended – until such time as more people comply with the household charge.

Paul McSweeney says local councils are really struggling – and he’s denied that people are being blackmailed into paying:

/> Gardaí are investigating a robbery at a cash-in-transit van in Dublin.

/> A man – believed to be armed with a hand gun – held up the G4S security van in the car park of Rathfarnham Shopping Centre on Butterfield Avenue just before one o’clock this afternoon.

He stole an undisclosed amount of cash – and made his getaway in a red Skoda Octavia, driven by another man.

This car was later found burn’t out by Gardaí in Templeogue.

/> Ryanair’s bid to purchase a greater stake in Aer Lingus is facing some competition.

/> Etihad Airways has expressed an interest in buying out the low cost airlines’ share in Ireland’s national carrier.

The United Arab Emirates airline already has a 3 per cent stake in Aer Lingus.

If Ryanair were to agree to sell their 30 per cent share – Etihad would effectively control Aer Lingus.

A man who suffers from a condition known as ‘locked-in syndrome’ has lost his UK High Court battle for the right to end his life.

/> Tony Nicklinson was left paralysed from the neck down by a stroke seven years ago – and describes his life as ‘a living nightmare’.

Speaking via his computer this afternoon he says he’s devastated by the court’s decision:

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