
[Top5at5] Sinn Fein call Taoiseach Kenny ‘deluded’

The Taoiseach is ‘deluded’ according to Sinn Fein. Enda Kenny today rowed in to supp...

17.08 6 Sep 2012

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[Top5at5] Sinn Fein call Taois...

[Top5at5] Sinn Fein call Taoiseach Kenny ‘deluded’


17.08 6 Sep 2012

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The Taoiseach is ‘deluded’ according to Sinn Fein.

/> Enda Kenny today rowed in to support Health Minister James Reilly saying he should be admired for having the courage to reverse planned cuts to disability services.

Not so says Sinn Fein which is tabling a motion of no confidence in Minister Reilly when the Dail returns.

And Deputy Mary-Lou McDonald says if Enda Kenny really thinks the Minister is deserving of admiration then he’s deluded.


The ECB President says the euro is irreversible and fears of a breakup of the single currency are unfounded.

/> The bank’s today announced plans to buy up Government bonds in an effort to stabilise the borrowing costs of Spain and Italy.

The introduction of ‘Outright Monetary Transactions’ should also assist Ireland’s return to the markets.

The initial response to the initiative has been positive – Italian and Spanish shares have jumped by 3 percent.

And although the ECB has again revised downwards its growth forecasts the bank chief Mario Draghi is confident today’s initiative will help to allay investor fears.

The funeral mass has taken place of 8 year old Anthony Ward in Co Cork.

/> The little boy was found dead in his home in Charleville on Monday morning.

His mother, Diane Ward has been charged with his murder.

Hundreds of mourners paid their final respects – including many of his school friends, who formed a guard of honour outside the Holy Cross Church.

Anthony’s uncle Tom paid an emotional tribute to his nephew.

MCD have launched a strong attack on the Garda policing of the Swedish House Mafia concert in the Phoenix Park on July 7th when a number of people were stabbed.

The music promotor says it accepts that the scale and level of incidents of anti-social behaviour witnessed on the night were unprecedented but it says the policing plan was a low key approach inappropriate to the event.

MCD claims the Garda deployment on the day was below that indicated in writing prior to the concert, and says Gardai appeared to have no adequate strategy for dealing with individuals refused admission to the venue.

German airline  has apologised to customers ahead of expected disruption tomorrow.

Flight attendants are striking for 24 hours over pay and conditions.

Lufthansa’s cancelled about 1,200 about two thirds of its Friday schedule.

Cabin crews held walkouts earlier this week too.

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