
HSE to analyse creche inspection reports

The Minister for Children has asked the HSE to analyse the inspection reports from creches to see...

10.51 30 May 2013

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HSE to analyse creche inspecti...

HSE to analyse creche inspection reports


10.51 30 May 2013

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The Minister for Children has asked the HSE to analyse the inspection reports from creches to see if there is a pattern emerging in privately run facilities. Frances Fitzgerald has asked the head of Children and Family Services to compare the reports.

This is the first analysis of its kind in Ireland.

Minister Fitzgerald says state funding will be withdrawn from creches that are not complying with regulations and that stronger enforcement is needed in the sector.


While the Children's Ombudsman says the sanctions for non-compliance with regulations on the running of creches need to be be re-examined.

A Garda investigation is continuing into the alleged physical abuse of children at three creches in Dublin and Wicklow, after the parents of the children involved in the 'Prime Time' programme contacted Gardaí.

Political parties have already pledged to work together to ensure the speedy passage of new legislation aimed at improving childcare standards.

Children's Ombudsman Emily Logan says a €1,000 fine is not a strong enough sanction for a profit making creches.

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 Meanwhile the Tánaiste says taxpayers funding can, should and will be cut from creches that breach standards.

Eamon Gilmore has told the Dáil the coalition intends to act on the issues exposed in the TV programme quickly.

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