
Tramore locals protest plan to evict refugees from Direct Provision centre

"We will not stand for any eviction."
Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

14.22 15 Jul 2024

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Tramore locals protest plan to...

Tramore locals protest plan to evict refugees from Direct Provision centre

Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

14.22 15 Jul 2024

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Locals protesting against plans to remove families from a County Waterford Direct Provision centre say they have already “made a life” for themselves in the area.

Some 14 families who have been granted refugee status in Ireland have been asked to leave Ocean View District House in Tramore.

Some were already told to leave on July 5th, while others have been given a notice to leave on July 26th.


Many of the families have lived in the centre for over five years.

Locals in Tramore protested the decision to remove the refugees on Sunday, calling on International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS) to allow the families to remain.

Mary, one of the protest organisers, said the families have been “welcomed into our lovely town”.

“They’ve made their life here,” she told Lunchtime Live. 

“Children going to school, joining different clubs – parents working and adding to the community.” 

She said the diversity being “introduced” into Ireland should be “celebrated”. 

“The experience for people, Irish people, to have different nationalities in our community is wonderful,” she added. 

While locals understand those granted refugee status cannot stay in Direct Provision, Mary said the current housing crisis could leave families homeless. 

“I know of many families, many friends of mine, Syrian, Afghani, African... they’re on the housing list and if you're on the housing list two or three years, you have very little chance or opportunity of getting a house,” she said. 

“There’s a housing crisis regardless of your nationality.” 

'Start over again'

Another caller going by the pseudonym ‘Grace’ said she has lived at the centre with her two children, now aged 10 and 15-years-old – for five years.

She said it has been “quite hard” living in Direct Provision – but they have “a lot of commitment with the community”. 

Her children attend the local school and she attends college while working full-time. 

Now, the family fear they will have to “leave everything and start all over again”.

'Just hopeless'

Grace said she has been trying to find accommodation since being granted refugee status – but there are so few options. 

“I’m just hopeless,” she said. “I feel like I’m failing my children because I thought being here, I’m safe – but now it feels like I’m being thrown out to be nowhere. 

“Every day they'll be asking me where we are going, where are they sending us - this is not fair.” 

The mother said she and other families are “so happy” to see locals protesting their removal from Ocean View. 

Direct provision in Tramore

Meanwhile, Community Action Tenants Union (CATU) organiser Michael said roughly 3,000 refugees are being “evicted up and down the country” from Direct Provision. 

“We have another 40 families in Galway that we’re helping and we have another 40 in Cork,” he said. 

“As a tenant's union, we will not stand for any eviction of our members, whether they be in public or private housing or direct provision.” 

A spokesperson for the Department of Integration and Equality said it is currently providing accommodation to over 31,000 international protection applicants.

Some 5,700 of those have been granted refugee status and "are no longer in the International Protection process".

"At the same time, there is currently a shortfall of accommodation for newly arrived IP applicants," the spokesperson said.

The Department noted those granted asylum are entitled to register with local authorities for housing or seek the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) scheme.

A 'transition' team also works with housing charities such as Depaul Ireland and Peter McVerry to support people exiting Direct Provision.

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*Name changed for anonymity.

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