Louis CK has become the latest high-profile personality to launch a stinging attack against Donald Trump.
The comedian penned a lengthy note about the billionaire's presidential run, which he added as a post-script to an email announcing the latest episode of his web series Horace and Pete.
In the email, CK urges fans to "please stop it with voting for Trump. It was funny for a little while."
He compares the businessman to Hitler, explaining "by that I mean that we are being Germany in the 30s. Do you think they saw the **** coming? Hitler was just some hilarious and refreshing dude with a weird comb over who would say anything at all".
"I’m not saying vote democrat or vote for anyone else," he continues, suggesting he'd even welcome a conservative president for balance. "If [Hillary Clinton] ends up president it should be because she faced the best person you have and you and I both chose her or him or whoever.
"Trump is not your best. He’s the worst of all of us. He’s a symptom to a problem that is very real," he adds.
Variety has published the full text of the note.
CK has added to a growing chorus of comedians and celebrities speaking up against Trump. John Oliver's piece on the billionaire went viral earlier this week, with his call to 'Make Donald Drumpf Again' becoming an instant meme and trending topic.
Meanwhile, Saturday Night Live also satirised the campaign with their 'Voters for Trump' sketch: