
Two senior ministers criticise Senator's abortion contribution

The Social Protection Minister is criticising the language used by some Senators in the Seanad ye...

12.25 17 Jul 2013

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Two senior ministers criticise...

Two senior ministers criticise Senator's abortion contribution


12.25 17 Jul 2013

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The Social Protection Minister is criticising the language used by some Senators in the Seanad yesterday, during the debate on the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill.

It's after Fianna Fáil Senator Jim Walsh - who is against the Bill - gave graphic accounts of abortion, prompting Senator Ivana Bacik to walk out.

The Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore has described his comments as "inappropriate" and "over the top".


Minister Joan Burton says some of the commentary in the Upper House amounted to men venting on the issue, saying some of those commenting need to cop on:

Senator Marie Louise O'Donnell described Jim Walsh's contribution as "oral porn", while Eamon Gilmore says he was disappointed by the language used.

"...irrespective of the opinions and the points of view, I think by and large it has been expressed in a reasonable and rational way. I think the language that Senator Walsh used yesterday was inappropriate and over the top, and I hope we don't hear much more of this type of language".

Walsh today

Fianna Fáil senator Jim Walsh is continuing his criticism of the government's proposed laws on abortion.

Today he has failed in an attempt to have the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill renamed as the 'Abortion Bill'.

"The title of the Act in my opinion should convey what the Bill is about, and if this Bill is about anything, it's very definitely not about the Protection of Life, it is about destroying life, particularly the life of the unborn."

Seanad amendments

Amongst those tabling amendments today is doctor and Senator John Crown.

He says he wants to see the decriminalisation of women who get an illegal abortion:

"My principle concern is that people get access to medical care - including young women, including women who may - for whatever reason - have had an abortion that isn't legal within the scope of the current law. And the law as its currently constituted might make these people fearful of getting medical care, medical care which they might need to save their life because they might face prosecution for having had an abortion."

WATCH Senator Walsh's contribution in the Seanad here - NOTE Graphic content here: 

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