The President will meet the British Prime Minister David Cameron in London today, along with a visit to the University College Hospital.
Last night Michael D. Higgins declared "the shadow of our past has become the shelter of our present".
And speaking at the State Banquet, Queen Elizabeth says no longer can we let our past ensnare our future.
The State Banquet last night saw the Queen state her visit to Ireland had left a happy and enduring impression.
She says the Irish and British are becoming good and dependable neighbours, and better friends.
Queen Elizabeth says we're seeing the best in each other and need to leave the past behind.

President Higgins said we have moved on from a past of trouble to one of mutual respect and close friendship.

President with British MPs and Opposition leader Ed Miliband during State banquet at Windsor Castle

The opulent banquet room at Windsor Castle where the Queen and President both addressed gathered dignitaries
Day I highlights

The Queen greeted President Higgins before they traveled by horse and carriage to Windsor Castle yesterday

President and wife Sabina Higgins pause at a memorial to Lord Mountbatten, who was killed by the IRA in Ireland

The laurel wreath President laid at the tomb of the unknown soldier, Westminster Abbey

President addresses politicians at Westminster

Viewing a display of Irish Items from the Royal Collection in the Green Drawing Room in Windsor Castle

With Prince Philip, Irish wolfhound Domhnall and a member of the Royal Guard at Windsor Castle