Shock, disgust and anger were just some of the emotions filling Ukrainians as they took in their deposed president's grand estate.
A sign hanging outside the entrance read: "People, do not destroy this evidence of thieving arrogance."
Thousands wandered around in amazement as they took in the trappings of Viktor Yanukovych’s breathtaking luxury presidential palace, now under the control of anti-government activists after he fled on Saturday.
A private golf course, a zoo, a floating banquet hall resembling an Elizabethan galleon, a helicopter pad, ponds, statues and a greenhouse are just some of the features of the 345-acre compound.
Rare pheasants imported from as far as Mongolia and Sumatra were discovered, Australian and African ostriches roamed the grounds, and peacocks could be seen strutting about.
Average wage of €400 a month
Half the size of Monaco, the vast country estate is only an hour's drive from the capital Kiev, but for those wandering around its waterways and summer houses it felt like another world in a country where the average wage is less than €400 a month.
Retired veteran Natalia Rudenko said: "I am in shock. In a country with so much poverty how can one person have so much - he has to be mentally sick.
"The world needs to see this and bring him to justice."
Many posed for photos, keen for something to remember a defining moment in their nation's history.
What to do now
Some came from Independence Square, the focal point of the protests that forced Mr Yanukovych to flee.
As for what should happen to the mansion and its sprawling grounds, some Ukrainians suggested it should become an orphanage.
Others say it should be turned into something for the protesters who have given up their lives to ensure that the man who once professed to be on the side of Ukraine's poor is certain to never return there.
Yanukovych's opulent residence Mezhyhirya is back to the state - parliament's vote
— Maxim Eristavi (@MaximEristavi) February 23, 2014
More unbelievable tack from #Yanukovych open home. #euromaidan but no golden toilet...
— Jared Morgan (@JaredMorgan1) February 22, 2014
"It's just like being in Monaco" - man on phone next to me at Yanukovich's residence outside Kiev
— Emma Wells (@Emmawells1) February 22, 2014
@JaredMorgan1: #Yanukovych bling! A solid gold self-portrait plaque. It weighs 1kg! #euromaidan
— Jared Morgan (@JaredMorgan1) February 22, 2014
Ðвтопарк в гараже у Овоща на Межегорье. Ðхренеть можно... #Euromaidan #Євромайдан
— Олег (@fleger_v) February 22, 2014
#Yanukovych's modestly stocked garage. #euromaidan
— Jared Morgan (@JaredMorgan1) February 22, 2014
More impeccable taste from #Yanukovych open home #euromaidan
— Jared Morgan (@JaredMorgan1) February 22, 2014
"Tasteful" galleon on Yanukovych's man-made lake RT #Euromaidan #Ukraine #Yanukovych”
— Jared Morgan (@JaredMorgan1) February 22, 2014