
Undaunted: Angela Ashen

It is with some pleasure that I can announce I am the sexiest person on the planet. This is not m...

14.00 28 Feb 2014

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Undaunted: Angela Ashen

Undaunted: Angela Ashen


14.00 28 Feb 2014

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It is with some pleasure that I can announce I am the sexiest person on the planet. This is not my rampant ego gone into overdrive. I commissioned (and paid handsomely) an independent group of consultants to compare me to a very select field of comparators.

They are so select that I can’t really tell you who they are. These independent consultants (and well paid by me) not only tell me that I’m sexy but they also tell me that my wondrous beauty is actually 20% lower than the point that you people might well become jealous of my innate beauty.

Happy Days.


I call it the Angela research method.

Oh dear you’ve seen my cunning rouse now. The above piece of research never took place. I’m just as ugly as you lot. I fart. I snore. I burp. I watched the Public Accounts Committee yesterday.

For anybody who missed it, one of the central planks in REHAB’s defence of the salary of their senior management team was an ‘independent’ study of salary scales. For some unfathomable reason not one member of PAC pulled them up and said, ‘Independent? Excuse me?’

He who pays the piper calls the tune.

So what else did we hear yesterday? Well, we actually heard Angela’s voice. We saw Angela coming under some public scrutiny. Angela has been floating around the political elite since the late 1990s but has made sure all her public appearances have been carefully controlled PR opportunities where any critical comments or public evaluation of what exactly she does are non-existent. Yesterday we saw a tiny chink of light appear in the edifice that is REHAB but I am pretty sure Joe and Mary public are still confused as to what REHAB do and who they are.

This is where disabled activists begin to divulge from the public sentiment that REHAB do a socially progressive and important job. Maybe I hung around with the wrong crowd but we never saw REHAB as the forefront of ensuring disabled people’s rights. We would run a mile if we were offered a REHAB training course. We knew they were excellent at protecting their business model.

The public can see this in the 80 odd million they receive each year from the public funds. Angela floating around the political elite filled us with dread. We were pretty sure that the REHAB business model and a rights-based approach would never coalesce. It would take a good many columns and perhaps a few dozen lawyers to go into WHY but let’s just say senior management of REHAB have been extremely politically adroit in advancing their business model. As is their right.

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