

On the face of it Canada is pretty harmless. Its temperate climate calls out to families in summe...

11.37 2 Oct 2013

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11.37 2 Oct 2013

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On the face of it Canada is pretty harmless. Its temperate climate calls out to families in summer and its dry cold winter is heaven for winter sports fans. In many ways I love the land of maple syrup. It is the home of close family, nieces and nephews that I have seen grow into adults proud of both their Canadian and Irish heritage. Its health services protected and looked after siblings in their hour of most need. And yet the last time I was there, there was something just not right. 

Canada once prided itself with not being America. It prided itself on featuring in Michael Moore movies. It was Cuba with creature comforts. Molson beers are weak enough to drink like water and yet able to provide a bit of a fuzzy feeling too.

Then they bring out the Blackberry.


What were they thinking of? Canada, you have oil and gas resources. You have a tourist industry. You do not need a personal technology industry. There are damn fine handsets out there. Blackberry isn't one of them. What did folk with stubby fingers ever do to Canada to warrant such an impossible keyboard? And the screen? Why oh why, why?

Let's talk Ice Hockey. Second only to Hurling for excitement, Canada can take pride in being the home of the game. The thing is, pride comes before a fall. I saw this in action last January when the world junior championships grabbed the microphone of every talk sport radio station. Being Irish we've had years of experience of English media going over the top at soccer but this was on a whole new level. They got knocked out in the quarter finals but pundits actually ignored all reality and said "but we’re still the best".

No you were not, Canada.

And now they have a property boom. Everywhere you look there is a crane. While this is great for Irish builders, who they love, there seems little thinking that goes 'Irish builders are here because there was a property bubble...oh yeah’. They love their condos there. 30 storeys soon to be tenements but who am I to judge? If they want a joke of a property boom and call it progress, then I'll put my headphones on and listen to Neil Young.

It will keep me sane while Canada remembers it's nice to be nice. You don't need a chip on your collective shoulder. Yes, its good that you are not the states but don’t get carried away.

So Canada, what's it going to be?

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