Here in Newstalk towers some of us have style while others just hang on to social norms by their fingertips. Modesty doesn’t permit me from telling you where I sit on the spectrum but I’m sure you can make up your own mind.
It was with dismay then that I heard my dear, old, colleague Mr Yates launch a tirade against those lovely technicolour capsules commonly known as Nespresso coffee pods. You can hear Ivan’s incredulity at the fact that €6 million has been spent on the pods in Ireland.
It broke my heart to hear my erstwhile colleague describe the coffee as sludge.
Do you think that I would wake each morning and ingest sludge after my cereal? Would I ingest sludge during the afternoon when I need a bit of a pick-me-up?
My body is a temple. It is not a marketing man’s dream.
I go further and say Nespresso is now part of my health regime. Yes, you read that right. Rocket furl strength coffee brings major health benefits.
Before my lovely fire engine red Citiz machine entered my life, I was on 4 or 5 large mugs of instant coffee per day. With large amounts of milk in each. Since January, two Longo Nespressos are enough for me. They give me the kick that lasts throughout the day. It’s with me as I walk to the bus. It’s with me as I proudly decline colleagues’ offers of mugs. See, it’s all about health.
So sludge it ain’t. It’s life-affirming. It’s my caffeine smoothie.
Some people just don’t get it. Get with the cool gang Ivan.