I'm feeling quite sociable today so I feel like throwing a dinner party. Not any common party. This one will ignore any and every rule of space and time as I can pick guests, be they dead or alive. These guests blew my mind when I first read about them and I hope they will blow your mind too.
First up has to be Leonardo da Vinci. Not because of the Mona Lisa. C'mon, it isn't even the greatest picture he produced. He'll be at my table because of this:
He had all this worked out 500 years before MRI or CAT scans! What would I ask him? After showing him around an airport, Skyping Stephen Hawkins with him, allowing him to play with my iPad, I'm not sure.
My feeling is that none of that would bother him and he would want to know the technology behind them so I would really want to ask him how on earth he had a hunch our bodies worked. And the Helicopter, where did he pluck that idea from? From all reports, he was a party animal so he can supply the wine.
Just in case Leonardo gets tongue tied, my second guest has some acting experience. He has been known to write a play or two and the odd poem. Step forward Billy Shakespeare. You want chat up lines? Try this:
You want insights into human love and behaviour? This might fit:
Willy, how the hell did you understand your human beings so well? Why you? Did you realize you were writing such immortal lines or were you doing it for the cash? Pass the bread rolls, please.
Ah I hear the doorbell. My final guest! He's been sick for a while but you guys will love him. Madiba, how are you?
Yes, my final guest has to be Nelson Mandela. In all the madness of the last twenty plus years, he has been our moral constant. Even within his own country, his moral authority stands head and shoulders over any of his political followers.
Here is what he said in his inaugural speech
Just like Leonardo and Willy, Madiba's humanity and love for his fellow man shine out.
What will they talk about and how will the conversation go? Ah that is in the realm of speculation but I know I would be full of wonder as words and wine flew. Do you agree?
Who would be your fantasy dinner guests?