I promised myself that August would be a month without controversy, look after the blood pressure and generally enjoy the month. Then Michael O’Leary popped up to proudly announce that he would raise hold baggage charges to at least €50.
I did fly Ryanair once. This was before the bells, whistles and fanfares. I ignored the hustle to sell me coffee. It was also before luggage charges were introduced so I think the price was reasonable. As I was meeting friends at the airport, I didn’t need to worry that the Airport was in the middle of nowhere so there wouldn’t be any transfer costs. I have to be honest and say the grass growing in the cracks along the runway did give me pause for concern but we got there.
This means I can call myself a Ryanair passenger, albeit from 10 years ago.
This brings us to this week. Throughout his all-out ‘war’ with the Dublin Airport Authority and the government over airport costs, one of the main planks in Michael O’Leary’s argument was that he wanted to bring tourists to Ireland and add value to the Irish economy. Tourists have bags. To be a benefit to the Irish economy, they should stay for at least four or five days. They will have kids. They will bring clothes with them that will not fit into one carry-on bag per person. That is just a fact.
Does Michael care about these familes or are they just two-armed slot machines that will help him hit the jackpot everytime they travel? Of course he will say it is his business so he can charge what he likes and we have the choice to fly naked...
As a frequent flyer, I also have concerns when I see fellow passengers trundling down the aisle of the plane with their 10KG cases before they place them in the over head bins. Have the safety implications of these practises ever been investigated? God knows what would happen if the bins opened during any form of turbulence? Am I over-concerned…
Freedom of choice is Michael’s mantra. Okay Michael, I will exercise that and ignore you completely and fly with ‘the old school’ airlines who will take my bags, offer me free tea and coffee or maybe even a drink. Yes I want to feel special when I fly. I’m more than a number and definitely I will not be used as a walking cash dispenser.