
Taoiseach: No comment on Vatican 'Nazi' abortion comparison

The Taoiseach says he has "no comment to make" after a senior Vatican official compared the use b...

14.41 30 May 2013

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Taoiseach: No comment on Vatic...

Taoiseach: No comment on Vatican 'Nazi' abortion comparison


14.41 30 May 2013

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The Taoiseach says he has "no comment to make" after a senior Vatican official compared the use by  Fine Gael of the party whip in introducing abortion laws to the defence used by Nazi soldiers.

Monsignor Jacques Suaudeau has told the Irish Catholic newspaper that any member of the Oireachtas describing themselves as a Catholic should resign rather than support the legislation.

He likened the claim by the Taoiseach and others that they are just doing their duty to the defence at the Nuremberg trials.


The Scientific Director of 'the Pontifical Academy for Life' at the Vatican has told the paper that Catholics TDs and Senators who vote in favour of abortion are pushing themselves out of the Church.

Monsignor Suaudeau also told the paper that politicians cannot hide behind a claim that they are just doing their duty likening that to the Nuremberg defence used by Nazi officers who said they were following orders.

"If an act is evil and you receive an order to do it then you cannot do it. Sometimes people forget Nuremberg. You cannot cover yourself with the cover of party discipline" he said.

"If the Prime Minister as a Catholic, doesn't want to impose his belief and the time has come for a more moderate line on abortion, then he resigns. If you are faithful to your conviction, then you have to get out".

'If a politician is being forced - leave the party'

Referring to Catholics in political life, he added "If a politician is being forced to be a formal co-operator with abortion, you leave the party, you get out".

On the issue of excommunication for pro-abortion Catholic politicians, Monsignor Suaudeau said that the issue should be dealt with in private by senior Churchmen. He continued to say that the Vatican does not like excommunication or talking about it publicly and does this for the sake of the local Church.

This afternoon Enda Kenny would not be drawn on the comments.

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