
VIDEO: Five great ‘point of view’ videos

Flight of the eagle Ever wondered what it might be like to gracefully glide through the sky like ...

16.16 19 Sep 2013

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VIDEO: Five great ‘point of vi...

VIDEO: Five great ‘point of view’ videos


16.16 19 Sep 2013

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Flight of the eagle

Ever wondered what it might be like to gracefully glide through the sky like a bird? Look no further than this clip of a majestic eagle flying over Chamonix, Mer De Glace area in France. You'll believe you can fly, like that popular song.


GoPro avalanche

The GoPro line cameras have become the only choice for those looking for extremely portable and agile high quality video capture. The cameras - often worn on helmets or attached to a special harness - are particularly popular among extreme sports enthusiasts. GoPro themselves host a whole host of clips on their YouTube page, but this insane avalanche escape (including jaw-dropping parachute use) is particularly remarkable.

Stratosphere freefall

Felix Baumgartner's record shattering 39 kilometre dive was nail-baiting and stomach-churning to watch even through the safety of a TV or computer screen, so we can only image what it felt like for Felix himself. Actually, we don't have to wholly rely on our imagination, as he had a camera attached to capture his sound barrier breaking fall. It actually comes across as surprisingly peaceful experience, although we're pretty sure it wouldn't feel that way in actuality.

Cambridge parkour

Parkour often makes for some of the most exciting first person material. Indeed, the video game Mirror's Edge was based entirely around the concept. Still, nothing beats reality, as this fascinating urban Cambridge jaunt from James Kingston illustrates:

First person Mario

And finally for something a little different. Games have often played around with ideas of perspective, but sometimes looking at things from different angle can be a fascinating experience. Take this POV take on the iconic 2D original Super Mario Bros....

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