
VIDEO: Take a tour of the solar system at the speed of light

Like most people, you may have gazed up at the night sky and thought that all those shiny bits mu...

15.42 3 Feb 2015

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VIDEO: Take a tour of the sola...

VIDEO: Take a tour of the solar system at the speed of light


15.42 3 Feb 2015

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Like most people, you may have gazed up at the night sky and thought that all those shiny bits must be very far away.

But when we read astronomical distances and start to see figures like '1.496×108 km' (the distance between Eatha and the Sun), it can be hard to grasp exactly how far this is.

This video, which lets you experience a journey across the solar system from the perspective of a photon - a light particle travelling at 1.08 billion kmh.


Even at this speed, it takes over eight minutes to reach Earth and a whopping 45 minutes to reach Saturn.

As the maker of the video, Alphonse Swinehart says, this perspective might give you a whole new understanding of just how far away things are in space:

"In our terrestrial view of things, the speed of light seems incredibly fast. But as soon as you view it against the vast distances of the universe, it's unfortunately very slow."

Riding Light from Alphonse Swinehart on Vimeo.

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