Virgin Galactic is keen to be the first company to offer regular commercial spaceflights, and they're one step closer this week after a successful test flight using their specially designed SpaceshipTwo. The trial saw the ship travel at over 1,000 miles per hour and soar up into the atmosphere. The supersonic ascent was followed, perhaps even more importantly for those hoping to travel on the thing, by the successful deployment of the ship's 'feathered' re-entry system.
Richard Branson earned the right to brag on his blog, explaining this test is an important step in the company's attempts to have commercial space flights running by next year. "Our commercial license application has been accepted for review by the US Federal Aviation Administration and we are on track for a 2014 start of commercial service," Branson writes. "I can't wait to get up there".
The remarkable, stomach churning video below shows the test flight from the perspective of the ship itself. Those with a fear of flying and/or heights might want to sit down for this one. Actually, everyone might want to sit down - it's a good one. Watch it below:
(Image / Video: Virgin Galactic)