There is growing concern in Tallaght that a feud is “getting worse and worse” amid a spate of violent incidents.
Yesterday, two teenagers were rammed by a car and Gardaí are also currently investigating how a loaded gun was found in the local area.
Irish Independent Crime Correspondent Ken Foy described the situation as “volatile”.
“It had been relatively quiet for a number of weeks,” he said.
“But in late May and early June, there were two gun attacks connected to the feud and also a property was severely damaged in an arson attack.
“One of the most shocking incidents linked to the dispute was when an innocent child’s grave was smashed up.”
Mr Foy said locals are worried someone could even end up getting killed.
“It seems to be getting worse and worse,” he said.
“It’s been ongoing since early spring - maybe March or April?
“[It] involves essentially two separate groups of mostly young men but there’s been a number of very serious incidents linked to it.
“In fact, there are fears that if what’s ongoing continues, that there could easily be a murder.”

Local councillor Charlie O'Connor said the feud was of “great concern” to people in Tallaght.
“People are saying to me that they are particularly concerned that there seems to be a lot of this happening in broad daylight when children are about and people are going about their business,” he said.
An Garda Síochána confirmed investigations are ongoing and no arrests have been made.
Main image: Member of An Garda Síochána.