
Warning after measles patient travels on bus from Dublin to Tipperary

The HSE said any passenger who is pregnant, immuno-compromised or under 12-months-old should contact a GP or hospital for immediate advice. 

06.00 22 Aug 2024

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Warning after measles patient...

Warning after measles patient travels on bus from Dublin to Tipperary


06.00 22 Aug 2024

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Passengers on board a bus travelling from Dublin Airport to County Tipperary may have been exposed to measles.

The alert affects a JJ Kavanagh bus - number 717 - which departed Dublin Airport for Clonmel at 4pm on Saturday afternoon.

It also affects Aer Lingus flight EI-451, which left Naples for Dublin at 11.40am on Saturday morning.


The HSE said any passenger who is pregnant, immuno-compromised or under 12-months-old should contact a GP or hospital for immediate advice.

Other passengers should be alert for any symptoms such as a cough, sore eyes, high temperature or a rash  until Friday September 6th.

Passengers are advised to ring ahead before attending any healthcare setting to let them know you were exposed - and not to make any further travel arrangements.

Earlier this year, a person died in Ireland after contracting measles.

Main image: A person with measles. Picture by: 

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Dublin Airport Measles Tipperary

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