Beach goers are being warned about two dangerous types of jellyfish which have been seen in Irish waters.
There is a higher than normal incidence of the creatures this year, due to the mild winter.
Portuguese Man O'War jellyfish have been spotted in Waterford, while Lions Mane have been sighted in Sutton in Dublin.
Irish Water Safety is also alerting people that these potentially dangerous jellyfish are likely to appear on more of our beaches in the coming weeks.
It says that, to treat a jellyfish sting, remove any attached tentacles with a gloved hand, stick, or towel, not to rub the affected area, and to rinse the area with sea-water.
It says people should not use fresh water, vinegar, alcohol or urine.
It is then advised to apply a 'dry cold pack' to the area, and to seek medical attention if there is anything other than minor discomfort.
A girl was rushed to hospital in Cork after being stung by a jellyfish at Barleycove, although the type is not known.
John Leech of Irish Water Safety is advising caution.