In the early 1990s Donald Trump identified Citizen Kane as his favourite film, and he has offered his take on the film at a number of points throughout the years.
As as extremely wealthy American living his life in the public eye he is perhaps in a unique position to analyse the film - although his background and story are in many ways different to that of Kane, who was based on media mogul William Randolph Hearst.
Both Kane and William Randolph Hearst had political ambitions but neither got as close to the White House as Donald Trump currently sits. Mr Hearst flirted with fascism and met with Adolf Hitler, as did Kane in the film.
"Citizen Kane was really about accumulation, and at the end of the accumulation you see what happens, and it's not necessarily all positive," Mr Trump reflects.
The businessman considered studying film as a teenager - he calls rosebud "maybe the most significant word in film" - although he adds that it's impossible to fully comprehend its significance to the film's central character.
The Republican candidate says that the message of the film is that, "maybe wealth isn't everything."
He continues, "In real life I believe that wealth does in fact isolate you from other people. It's a protective mechanism."
Overall he seems to believe that the good out-weighs the bad in the central character's journey, "It was a great rise, in Citizen Kane and there was a modest fall. It wasn’t a financial fall - it was a personal fall."
When asked what advice he'd give to Kane he offers the slightly odd line, "Get yourself a different woman," suggesting that with a different spouse things could have ended differently.
Documentary-maker Errol Morris spoke to movie-goers, including Mr Trump, Lou Reed and Mikhail Gorbachev about their favourite films for a short film which was shown at the 2002 Oscar ceremony.
He accumulated over 24 hours of footage which was cut down to four minutes. The final cut featured a brief extract of the New Yorker discussing King Kong.
The director also considered using Mr Trump as Charles Foster Kane in an abandoned project casting modern personalities in classic films.