With October 21st, 2015, the date 30 years into the future that Marty McFly travelled in Back to the Future II fast approaching, you can expect your timelines and newsfeeds to be filled with articles and op-eds bemoaning the severe lack of self-tying shoes and hoverboards over the forthcoming days.
But how does the present-day 2015 really compare to the futuristic vision of director Robert Zemeckis, recently interviewed on The Picture Show, and Stephen Spielberg? Well, as the people over at College Humor have shown, if Marty and Doc Brown were to come to today, they’d be treated to a world of questionable fashion taste, global warming, selfies, and Internet bullying.
You can check out the video below:
To listen to The Picture Show's interview with Robert Zemeckis, please use the link below:
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