
[Watercooler Moment] Snake hitches a ride in couple’s car bonnet

A British couple were left startled after they discovered a five-metre python hiding underneath ...

12.08 10 Sep 2012

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[Watercooler Moment] Snake hit...

[Watercooler Moment] Snake hitches a ride in couple’s car bonnet


12.08 10 Sep 2012

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A British couple were left startled after they discovered a five-metre python hiding underneath their car bonnet whilst holidaying in South Africa.

Marlene Swart and Leon Swanepoel were touring Kruger National Park while on holiday when their vehicle was targeted by the deadly snake.


The pair were on the look-out for lions before the squatting snake slithered towards them and disappeared underneath their car.

‘It was certainly a once in a lifetime experience that we will never forget,’ explained Ms Swart.

‘When we spotted a couple of safari vehicles on the road we thought it was the lions we were looking for but we were informed there was a python in the grass.

‘While we were searching the snake suddenly sailed out of the grass directly in our direction.

She added: ‘I waved to the vehicle behind us asking him to reverse but he didn’t realise what was going on.

‘The python disappeared underneath our car and about two minutes later everyone started laughing when it failed to reappear. I was totally in shock and terrified.’

The couple were forced to drive three miles to the nearest petrol station where the snake was eventually coaxed out.

‘When we eventually opened the bonnet the snake was just relaxing on the bonnet watching all of the commotion around him,’ the 38-year-old added.

‘It eventually slithered away unharmed and luckily there was no damage to the car.’

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