Increasing the number of speed vans on roads is the quickest way to reduce deaths, according to Senator Regina Doherty.
Road deaths reached 155 this week, an increase in 36 from the same period last year and 43 from the same time in 2019.
Minister of State for Transport Jack Chambers told Newstalk the Government planned on accelerating road safety reforms such as mandatory drug testing at the scene of the crash, penalty points reform and reducing the speed limit on certain roads.
Fine Gael Senator Regina Doherty asked Mr Chambers at an Oireachtas Transport Committee yesterday why the existing laws have not reduced the increasing death rate.
Ms Doherty told Lunchtime Live the new laws aim to reduce road fatalities by 50%, but many are “months away” from being implemented.
“We already have a load of laws,” she said. “It's clearly not working because we don't have enough enforcement.
“I know we have plans to bring on new Gardaí, but it is slow and it's taking a while.
“So right now, we have all of these vans around the country, so I said [to Mr Chambers] why not double it?
“Why did we increase [the number of vans] to 20% this year instead of 100%?”
Increasing speed vans are a simple way to make roads safer while implementing other policies, according to Ms Doherty
“We know it's going to take us time to get the extra 1,000 Gardaí that we need – in fact, the Guards are saying we need an extra 2,000,” she said.
“We know we've recruitment issues and they're going to be slower to fix – so give this company extra money to put the extra vans around the country.”

Vans, Ms Doherty noted, are so effective because of their large size that people will notice.
“There was 2.2 million speeding fine tickets issued in the last year,” she said.
“That's 2.2 million people who had to pay €80 for fines and actually then the €80 went to €160.
“I think if 2.2 million people were caught last year and we increase this well, then it would absolutely have a walloping impact on driver behaviour.”
'The best few million we’ve ever spent'
Immediate action has to be taken to save lives, according to Senator Doherty.
“The three biggest reasons why people are losing their lives on the road is speed, drink and drugs,” she said.
“If it had a massive impact on how we behave on the road, all of us.
“If it reduced the fatalities by one, by five, it would be the best few million we’ve ever spent.”
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