
What if Saturn moved towards Earth?

One of the great benefits of computer generated imagery is that it can help visualise things none...

12.16 5 May 2014

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What if Saturn moved towards E...

What if Saturn moved towards Earth?


12.16 5 May 2014

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One of the great benefits of computer generated imagery is that it can help visualise things none of us will ever actually see. Yeti Dynamics is a YouTube user who uses CGI to create startling videos of impossible or at least highly improbable astral sights.

His latest clip imagines a scenario where the planet Saturn is thrown off its orbit and travels along a new route that happens to pass by Earth. In a video that combines actual scientific ideas with pure and visually scrumptious sci-fi, we get to see what it might look like from the ground if Saturn passed by our little planet.  

It goes without saying that we would never actually see this: not only are the odds of this ever happening incomprehensibly small, but the effects of such a 'visit' would have a catastrophic effect on Earth by changing its tides and orbit, while probably ensuring none of us would have the opportunity to actually see this cosmic phenomenon. Still, it makes for a hypnotic 'what if...':


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