There are lots of indicators as to what can make a person feel more positive.
We had a look over various studies (of which there are many) related to what leads to happiness and picked the top stories as chosen by you.
Here are your top 5 tips for a happy life:
1. Spend less time at your desk
A formula for happiness has been created by psychologists who say we should only spend 2.5 hours at our desk each day
2. Make your commute time less than an hour
Commuters' journeys make them unhappy and anxious, particularly if they spend more than half-an-hour on a bus. The worst effects of travelling are associated with journeys that last between an hour and 90 minutes.
3. Watch TV for 2 hours or less
The Good Childhood Report released in the UK last year says: "On average, most young people in particular, are meant to be watching or have contact screen time of just under two hours per day."
4. Post positive messages on social media and block negative people
It’s near impossible to avoid social media these days so rather than an outright ban, posting positive messages could improve your happiness levels. Research has found that posting to Facebook creates a ripple effect and positive vibes are much more contagious than negative ones, according to the new study.
5. Stay close to family and friends (especially if you’re Irish)
Last year we ranked 12th place in the world to be born and Irish people’s close relationships with their families and friends are said to contribute to the happiness of the nation.