Professor Mary Beard has become some-what of an online legend when it comes to tackling her most misogynistic, harsh and cruel critics.
The professor has now recently revealed that she has befriended one of her most vile critics and even provided him with positive references to potential employers.
Prof Beard, a classicist known for her often controversial public statements, is no stranger to criticism and often faces waves of negative comments online from 'twitter trolls' after public appearances.
However, instead of fighting back or punishing the abusers, Professor Beard instead tries to befriend her 'trolls' to better understand them and to ensure people do not continue to use the internet to abuse each other.
In a profile interview published in The New Yorker, Prof Beard, who argues the online trolling reflects ongoing misogyny in Western culture, has now spoken of her attempts to help the very people who abused her saying, "I don’t actually think one tweet should ruin your job prospects."
One abuser who wrote to Professor Beard to tell her she was "evil" after a television appearance, now remains in regular contact with the classicist after she helped him with an international house move.
Another abuser who ran a website that published graphic doctored photographs of the Professor has since apologised in a long letter after being shamed by the public reaction to their abuse.
!In my view one moment of idiocy shouldn't ruin the rest of your life. And, in general, I am more concerned to be sure that people don't use the internet in this way (or don't do so again) than to seek 'punishment'," she told the Telegraph.
Professor Beard is one of a many high-profile women who have been subjected to misogynistic messages online, but her public acknowledgment of her trolls often leads the offenders to come forward and apologise for their actions.