
Gardai examine car stolen in Dublin hijacking yesterday

Gardai are investigating a car that was recovered after it was hijacked from its owner in Dublin....

08.18 22 Apr 2014

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Gardai examine car stolen in D...

Gardai examine car stolen in Dublin hijacking yesterday


08.18 22 Apr 2014

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Gardai are investigating a car that was recovered after it was hijacked from its owner in Dublin. A woman in her 50s was seriously injured during the carjacking yesterday afternoon, while she was driving into her apartment complex at Argyle House on Serpentine Avenue in Ballsbridge.

Gardai in Irishtown say the grey Ford Focus - registration number 03-D-55722 - was located this morning in the Kevin Street area of the city.

Investigations are on-going and witnesses to the incident or anyone with information are asked to contact Irishtown garda station on 01-666-9600.


The injured woman aged in her 50s remains in a stable condition in hospital after suffering head injuries.

She was driving into the apartment complex when she was set upon by two people.

There have been no arrests in relation to this incident.

The Irish Daily Mirror Crime Correspondent Cathal McMahon explains what happened, and says gardai will closely examine the vehicle.

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