
Women, older people more likely to use anti-depressants says survey

14% of Irish adults aged between 15 and 64 have used either sedatives or tranquilisers at least o...

15.57 23 Oct 2012

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Women, older people more likel...

Women, older people more likely to use anti-depressants says survey


15.57 23 Oct 2012

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14% of Irish adults aged between 15 and 64 have used either sedatives or tranquilisers at least once in their lifetime.

A drug use survey by the Department of Health shows that 3% admit to using them in the last month.

Anti-depressant user rates are slightly lower with just 10% using these drugs at least once.


Use of sedatives or tranquillisers is higher among those over-35.

The use of sedatives or tranquillisers and anti-depressants are highest among those who are unemployed, those who live in local authority or social housing and early school leavers.

The 3rd National Drug Prevalence Survey says anti-depressant use was relatively stable amongst all survey respondents at 5% last years among 15-64 year-olds in 2010/11 compared to 4% in 2006/7.

It found women and older adults (aged  35-64) are more likely to use sedatives, tranquillisers and anti-depressants.

At the same time the survey also shows increasing use of these substances amongst men and amongst 15-34 year-olds.

The Minister for Primary Care and Drugs is Alex White.

He acknowledged that “appropriate   use of sedatives, tranquillisers  and  anti-depressants play an important role in facilitating the  health  and  well-being of many people”.

But the TD added that he is “concerned about the health risks associated with their inappropriate or long-term use and their more widespread availability”.

He hopes the findings will inform his Department “in the review of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations with a view to imposing additional controls on benzodiazepine and z-drugs”.

The Minister  White  indicated  that  he hopes to bring forward the legislative proposals in the near future to include the  introduction  of an offence for unauthorised  possession  as  well  as  import  and export controls on such drugs.

So it appears that the legal drug habits of Irish people have not changed much over the period – bearing in mind that all comparisons seem to have been made during the downturn.

It will be interesting to compare numbers when we have emerged fully from this recession…any day now.

Read the report in full here

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