
Women ‘push’ husbands away by not looking good - Tatiana Ouliankina

“At home, you prefer to look like almost homeless for him."
Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

09.07 15 Jul 2024

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Women ‘push’ husbands away by...

Women ‘push’ husbands away by not looking good - Tatiana Ouliankina

Ellen Kenny
Ellen Kenny

09.07 15 Jul 2024

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Women are ‘pushing’ their husbands away by not making an effort with their looks, according to a former Fair City star.

Actress Tatiana Ouliankina said she has sympathy for any woman who loses her husband - but also thinks it could partly be her fault.

On Newstalk Breakfast, Ms Ouliankina said she knows her opinion is “old-fashioned” but she believes a woman who doesn’t try to look good is asking for trouble.


“Women take, at the end, when a relationship breaks down, this victim attitude,” she said.

“But remember when he met you, the way you looked and what became of you through the marriage.”

The actress argued that men see other women putting in effort when they go to work or out with friends - but when they’re at home, women don’t try.

“At home, you prefer to look like almost homeless for him,” she said.

“You didn’t make an effort for him and then sob when he left - but what did you do? You pushed him there.”

Women versus men

Ms Ouliankina doesn’t apply the same logic to men, saying there are “different rules” when men and women are in relationships.

“It’s like Beauty and the Beast - women should be beauty and guys are allowed to be beasts,” she said.

“They don’t have to look well but they have to do other things.”

Ouliankina against feminism

Ms Ouliankina agrees her opinion might not be feminist - but she doesn’t care since she’s not a feminist.

She said early feminism fighting for civil rights was important - but now women have gone “the wrong way”.

“It went the wrong way when women started growing balls - they became men,” she said.

“They lost their beautiful qualities of sexuality and femininity and softness.

“Women become men and then become surprised [when] everything falls apart.”

This doesn’t just apply to women who might look ‘masculine’ - but “pretty” women who “have an inner masculine attitude to life”, according to the actress.

Equality is important, Ms Ouliankina emphasised - but women shouldn’t “turn into men on the way”.

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Effort Fair City Looks Marriage Men Tatiana Ouliankina Women

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