Talks on the overcrowding crisis in hospital have been adjourned until Wednesday.
A review of an agreement to reduce overcrowding in hospital emergency departments is being chaired by the Workplace Relations Commission.
The agreement was made on condition that nurses called-off planned industrial action.
The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO), the HSE and Department of Health have been taking part in the talks, which lasted for six hours today
The groups will reconvene at midday on Wednesday.
Speaking after the meeting, the INMO's General Secretary Liam Doran said, “today’s discussions were very frustrating as the management side seemed unable to confirm its willingness to fund all aspects of the agreement. At times we had the bizarre situation of the HSE saying it needed to correspond, with the Department of Health, even though both parties were there and involved in the process.
"The INMO’s sole objective, when the talks reconvene, will be to secure cast iron confirmation that health service management will implement, in full, the agreement that they have signed up to," he added.