
Your say: Is it morally wrong to pay tradesmen in cash?

Britain’s Treasury Minister David Gauke this week said that it is “morally wrong” to pay t...

13.45 25 Jul 2012

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Your say: Is it morally wrong...

Your say: Is it morally wrong to pay tradesmen in cash?


13.45 25 Jul 2012

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Britain’s Treasury Minister David Gauke this week said that it is “morally wrong” to pay tradesmen such as plumbers, builders, hairdressers and cleaners in cash in the hope of avoiding tax, arguing that the practice comes at “a big cost” to the Treasury and means other people have to pay more.

Does it ever cross your mind that they or even you are dodging tax? After all, we are paying in cash (with after-tax money) because most of the people we deal with prefer cash.


How many of us pay our tradespeople and domestics in cash?

Newstalk Facebook:

href="">Brian O’Flaherty Well the Treasury Minister should have a fair idea of what is morally wrong. He deals with bankers who do much worse on a massive scale and get away with it. Stop picking on the smalll guy and sort out the real criminals and morally corrupt.

href="">Lisa Corr Mind yer own bees wax. Jesus the muppets in the dail are running the country via twittering feeds and face book lets not be giving them ammunition lol

href="">Levente VerÅ‘ Politicans are talking about morality. It’s like journalists are talking about ethics, the Pope about abortion or cyclists about rules of the road.

href="">Tom Newell its also morally wrong to pick on kids with disability and take there teachers away so lets not get into a pissing contest here

href="">Alan Bourke After the expenses scandal in the UK is it any wonder the general public takes the attitude they do ?

href="">Cherill Munday Well what do we pay them with buttons!!! cheques are being phased out …not many with chip and pin facilities! what is the alternative – will someone tell me.

href="">Gerard Murphy It’s morally wrong to tax a persons house – Enda Kenny.

href="">Derrick Bell I know someone personally and they were doing work for a secretary in the Taoiseach’s office and were asked if they could do a better price for cash! I kid you not.

href="">Prince Martin Clune Isn’t his name Osbourne did he bite a bats head off at the Toy Convention and get the abiity to talk total crap or is that a differnt Osbourne i am thinking of

href="">Michelle Kenny ask the british royal sec is it morally wrong that Britain has raped anbd plundered every country in this world and are still at it through the fake fiat scam, I think everybody should work for cash if they can

href="">Clive Kenny Tell britain treasury to go F@#k himself we’ll do it whatever way is cheapest..

href="">Ed Burke What should you pay them with? Potatoes?

href="">Alan Kelly Hahahaha ya gotta love when politicians talk about Morals. Muppets the whole lot of them!!

href="">Marie O Sullivan Wonder would our Ministers say anything about this, seeing they dont seem to give reciepts for their VAST expences.

href="">Pa Noonan nothing wrong with paying in cash but if they do not declare it as income then they are committing a crime. We in paying them have done nothing wrong. Morals don’t come in to it one way or the other

href="">Sarah Ferrigan Surely it is up to the tradesperson to declare their own income. How is it suddenly my responsibility?

href="">Jason Davis How else should they be paid? We are moving towards ending cheques, and most people wont accept them anyway…tradesmen don’t carry mobile credit card machines, so cash is the only alternative. The moral imperative is on the tradesman to declare his income to revenue…

href="">Patricia Mc Cann Its morally wrong that when a self-employed person’s business folds they are not entilted to social welfare.

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href="">@Newstalkfm is it morally wrong to be charged for having a house?

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