
[Your say] Is this the way forward in the mortgage crisis?

Homeowners who can’t pay their mortgages are to be given free financial advice from profession...

18.30 6 Sep 2012

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[Your say] Is this the way for...

[Your say] Is this the way forward in the mortgage crisis?


18.30 6 Sep 2012

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Homeowners who can’t pay their mortgages are to be given free financial advice from professional accountants.

The government has announced that the banks will cover the cost of the new service. The pricetag is being put at around €10 million.


The Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton said:“I am pleased to announce today that independent financial advice will be available to mortgage holders who are being offered long-term resolution proposals by their lenders. This advice will be provided by a panel of accountants drawn from members of the main accountancy institutes in Ireland who have agreed to participate and support this independent service.”

[Poll] Is this the way forward in the mortgage crisis?



style="color: #0000ff;"> style="text-decoration: underline;">Newstalk Facebook:

style="color: #0000ff;">

href="">Alan Bourke Well it can’t hurt but the only long term solution is for the banks to bite the bullet and realise that write downs are going to have to happen.

href="">Mik Kershaw I get 60€ pm towards my mortgage as help I’d get 90% rent supp. If I was renting the house????

href="">Niamh O’Brien The banks are actually footing the bill for this so called advice, which will be impartial of course.

href="">Edwina Foley Banks are paying for Financial Advice… like hell they are… we the customers will be paying that bill!!!

href="">Patrick Cuddihy The only answer is for the banks to write off the negative equity surpluses, and let every one live at today’s standard of economy. You’ll soon see a revival as spending is seen as safe again.

href="">John OBeirne As long as we have this debt, no job creation, increased living costs along with increased taxes we have no hope. Financial advice is no use if you have no finances..

href="">Michael Gilchrist Banks appear to pull this same stunt every 30 years & will continue to do so until the end of time. Getting free financial advice from professional accountants at this stage is like getting advice from a fireman while your house is burning down. All of the interest is going to the Rothschild’s banking family and they are worth $500 Trillion which Includes: Bank of England, Reuters News, Associated Press, ABC,CBS, NBC, CNBC, CNN, Royal Dutch SHELL, Israel, Federal Reserve, US/UK Governments, CIA, NATO, in other words, Half Of the world. The game is rigged.

href="">Mary Kelly OMG, are there no brains or heart in this Gov??? Time for change. Time for change…time for change.

href="">Cherill Munday About time too…….

href="">Ronan Gallagher And what advice would that be. ‘Yup. Your debt is unsustainable.’ Nothing will change until the unsustainable debt situation is sorted through burden sharing and debt forgiveness. That is the only process which can stimulate growth in the economy.

The other measures that have been introduced include:

  • The website,  href="http://exchange:81/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=" target="_blank">, is maintained by the Citizens Information Board which offers detailed information and initial advice to distressed mortgage holders.
  • The Mortgage Arrears Information Helpline which has been operational since July 2012 provides general mortgage arrears information and guidance to mortgage holders. The Helpline number is 0761 07 4050, Monday to Friday 9.30am -5pm.

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