
[Your say] Top 10 movies of all time

Martin Scorsese’s Oscar-winning The Departed has been named the best movie remake. The film, b...

18.52 29 Aug 2012

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[Your say] Top 10 movies of al...

[Your say] Top 10 movies of all time


18.52 29 Aug 2012

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Martin Scorsese’s Oscar-winning The Departed has been named the best movie remake.

The film, based on the Hong Kong crime classic Infernal Affairs picked up a fifth of the votes in a poll of more than 4,500 movie fans.

Ocean’s Eleven is at number two.


The crime thriller, which starred George Clooney and Brad Pitt, was a remake of a 1960 film starring Frank Sinatra.

  1. The Departed
  2. Ocean’s Eleven
  3. True Grit
  4. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
  5. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  6. Dawn of the Dead
  7. The Thomas Crown Affair
  8. 3.10 to Yuma
  9. Karate Kid
  10. The Italian Job

style="text-decoration: underline;">Your say:

href="">Phil Oh Wow, no Cape Fear? A well made and very well acted film. While I would agree with the Departed, the rest of the list typical and lazy as to be expected I suppose

href="">Wayne Moroney Completely agree with Cape Fear, it’s better than at least seven movies on that list. I’d also replace a couple with The Fly, and Heat.

href="">Stephen Cowan Can’t believe you forgot about Cape Fear!

href="">Kevin Berney How the hell did the remake of ‘The Italian Job’ get on that list instead of ‘Cape Fear’?

href="">Kenneth Marsden The original Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is far superior to the remake.

href="">Justin O’Connor Dirty Rotten Scoundrels! Awesome!

href="">Rob Dunne The only one on the list that I would agree with is The Departed and possibly True Grit. The one I would definitely have expected to see was Scarface, surprised it’s not on the list.

href="">Colm Flynn Any Top 10 that contains the new “Italian Job” is not worth the ink it is printed with.

href="">Alan Bourke Yeah nice job putting The Italian Job and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in, which only a clinically insane person would put even in the same ballpark as the originals.

href="">Newstalk 106-108 fm Blame the LOVEFiLM subscribers guys! They’re the ones that voted!

href="">Sally Martin Agree 100% with The Departed……best remake EVER!

style="color: #ff0000;">Background reading:

style="color: #000000;"> href="">The top ten best movie remakes


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