YouTube Premium is hiking its price from €11.99 to €13.99 a month.
The 16% increase has left many people wondering if it’s still worth paying for.
Newstalk’s Tech Correspondent Jess Kelly and YouTube Premium fan explained to Breakfast Business with Joe Lynam what you get when you subscribe.
“You’re paying your fee every month and the big perk that jumps out at everybody is that you can watch videos without ads,” she said.
“That’s the pre-roll ads, it’s also the midroll ads - all of those ads are completely gone.
“There’s no popups that appear on your videos when you’re watching; you can also take videos offline to watch - you can download stuff.”

For some, that might not be worth paying for but for Jess it is something that she uses a lot.
“Personally speaking, I would sooner let go of my Netflix and my Disney rather than my YouTube Premium,” she said.
“I watch an awful lot of content on YouTube and my fee is going up from €11.99 to €13.99 a month.
“To me, it does provide value because the ad free service means I can use it and I’m not being bombarded by ads.
“I have a real issue with ads interrupting content, particularly when they have so many ways to make money.”
Jess said this can be especially useful if you have young kids and don’t want to have to get up and help them watch their content.
“If you have young kids, for example, and if you want to put on a bit of Miss Rachel or a bit of Baby Shark on loop, it makes sense to have that as an ad free experience,” she said.
Last year, YouTube made an estimated $31.51 billion from its global advertising revenue.
Main image: A man deleting Youtube from his phone. Picture by: