
AUDIO: Justin Timberlake sings PART of The Auld Triangle

Updated 08.45 Justin Timberlake has commented on the massive Irish reaction to his recording of c...

13.14 6 Nov 2013

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AUDIO: Justin Timberlake sings...

AUDIO: Justin Timberlake sings PART of The Auld Triangle


13.14 6 Nov 2013

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Updated 08.45

Justin Timberlake has commented on the massive Irish reaction to his recording of classic folk song The Auld Triangle.

Earlier this week a recording of the track featuring pop's Justin Timberlake and Marcus Mumford, of Mumford & Sons fame emerged on NPR's website, that's America's public service broadcaster.


They help out on vocals for the song, with the Punch Brothers doing lead vocals. It was recorded as part of the soundrack for Ethan & Joel Cohen's new movie Inside Llewyn Davis. The film tells the story of New York's East Village folk music scene in the 1960s. 

Timberlake has now responded to Newstalk listeners' queries to confirm that he sings only on the chorus of the song, and as a bass:

There's been a huge reaction to the release, Justin Timberlake saying earlier this week that singing the song was a dream come true:

Newstalk's Breakfast show asked singer Finbar Furey for his opinion of Justin's efforts: 

The Auld Triangle - the original

Dominick Behan wrote the song for his brother Brendan Behan, who had written a play about Mountoy Prison and the events leading up to an execution at the jail, 'The Quare Fellow'.

'The auld triangle / went jingle jangle' refers to the large metal triangle that still hangs in the centre of the Dublin Prison.

The song was perhaps most memorably recorded by The Dubliners, but The Clancy Brothers and even the Swell Season have had a go, as well as many others - the Punch Brother's featuring Timberlake and Mumford's attempt isn't half bad, and most are agreed he's brave to take on Luke Kelly.

Which gives us another excuse to listen to this:

Pictured above, Justin Timberlake stars in the new Cohen brothers production, Inside Llewyn Davis

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