
VIDEO: Main parties welcome wording of marriage equality referendum

The Taoiseach's described as "an historic day in our country" the Cabinet's approval of the wordi...

07.27 21 Jan 2015

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VIDEO: Main parties welcome wo...

VIDEO: Main parties welcome wording of marriage equality referendum


07.27 21 Jan 2015

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The Taoiseach's described as "an historic day in our country" the Cabinet's approval of the wording for the referendum on same sex marriage.

The Justice Minister has published the wording which states "marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex".

Ministers signed off on the document at a special cabinet meeting this morning. However the exact date for the holding of the referendum in May has still to be decided.  


TDs from several parties have welcomed the announcement, including Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams, Niall Collins of Fianna Fáil, and John Lyons of Labour all spoke today at Leinster House about the upcoming referendum.

The same-sex marriage referendum will be held in May, alongside the Carlow-Kilkenny by-election and the vote on a proposal to lower the age for contesting the Presidency from 35 to 21.

Community and Local Government Minister Alan Kelly has said that the government has also approved the text of the Amendment of the Constitution (Age of Eligibility for Election to the Office of President) Bill 2015. It will be presented to the Dáil in the coming days.

A referendum commission is set to be formally established in advance of May's referendum.

The government has pledged that legislation providing for adoption by gay couples as well as custody issues will be in place before the referendum, in an attempt to provide full clarity to the electorate before polling day.

Enda Kenny says the people will now have to decide on the issue:

Fiach Kelly is the Irish Times Political Correspondent. He spoke to Newstalk Breakfast this morning, saying the government will be pushing to have the bill passed in plenty of time for the referendum in May:

Meanwhile Public Expenditure Minister Brendan Howlin says there is no room for complacency when it comes to the referendum.

Opinion polls show as much as three-quarters of the public are in favour of extending marriage rights.

But Minister Howlin says recent history shows there are no certainties with referendums:

Originally posted at 7.24am

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