
EXCLUSIVE: US Ambassador to the UN: I have not been to a country where I have not run in to an Irish aid worker

Samantha Power is the most powerful Irish person, and one of the most powerful people, in the wor...

10.09 19 Mar 2015

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EXCLUSIVE: US Ambassador to th...

EXCLUSIVE: US Ambassador to the UN: I have not been to a country where I have not run in to an Irish aid worker


10.09 19 Mar 2015

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Samantha Power is the most powerful Irish person, and one of the most powerful people, in the world.

A former foreign policy advisor to Barack Obama, she was appointed US Ambassador to the UN nearly 2 years ago, and is seen as a formidable force on the Security Council – particularly on the issue of Ukraine and Syria.

In an exclusive interview, Shona Murray caught up with Ambassador Power at the UN headquarters in New York last night.


They discussed the global threat of Isis, and given how Ireland has around 70 foreign fighters who have travelled to Iraq and Syria the success of the coalition strikes directly effects Ireland’s security.

Ambassador Power warned that Ireland and other countries must contribute to the effort against Isis, that there can be “no free rides”:


The Obama administration’s relationship with Israel has been tense at best in recent times.

Ambassador Power said that the US will need to reevaluate the way forward with Israel and path to peace in the Middle East:


She also commented on Ireland's influence on world affairs:


Here is the report in full:


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