
AUDIO: Gardai identify mystery girl found in Dublin

Updated 07.30 Gardaí have identified a woman who was found wandering the centre of Dublin ...

21.25 5 Nov 2013

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AUDIO: Gardai identify mystery...

AUDIO: Gardai identify mystery girl found in Dublin


21.25 5 Nov 2013

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Updated 07.30

Gardaí have identified a woman who was found wandering the centre of Dublin nearly a month ago - just hours after releasing a photograph of her yesterday.

Officers said that with the assistance of the public they were now "following a definite line of enquiry" and were "liaising closely with the Australian Police and the Health Service Executive to finalise the matter".


The woman, who was thought to be as young as 14 and from eastern Europe, is now understood to be an Australian aged 19-20 who appears to have travelled voluntarily.

Gardaí hope to reunite her with her family soon, but for now she remains in the care of the HSE.

She was found in a dazed state in the Irish capital on October 10, but has yet to speak to officers.

Interpol had been called in to try to identify the woman.

Shane Phelan, Public Affairs Editor, Irish Independent gave Newstalk's Breakfast a little more detail this morning:  


The woman, 5ft 6in tall, of slim build, with long blonde hair, was found wearing a purple hooded top, tight dark coloured jeans, flat black shoes and a grey woollen jumper.

It is believed her clothes were bought in major retailers in Ireland, but detectives could not determine when they were purchased.

The woman also has a brace, but paediatric orthodontists contacted in Ireland were unable to shed any light on her identity through their records.

Wave of information

A major investigation was launched into the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the woman.

The probe has so far involved more than 2,000 man hours and more than 115 lines of enquiry.

These include door-to-door enquires, vehicle and pedestrian checks in the area where the woman was discovered, and the seizure and viewing of CCTV from the city centre.

Police also showed her picture to specialised child interviewers throughout the country.

Officers sought High Court approval to release the picture of the woman, who is under an interim care order, after their early enquiries drew a blank.

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