
Health Minister plays down suggestion that Ireland may take in 1,800 refugees

The Health Minister has played down the suggestion that Ireland will take in 1,800 refugees - say...

08.29 4 Sep 2015

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Health Minister plays down sug...

Health Minister plays down suggestion that Ireland may take in 1,800 refugees


08.29 4 Sep 2015

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The Health Minister has played down the suggestion that Ireland will take in 1,800 refugees - saying the EU must first decide how many asylum seekers it is willing to accept.

The Justice Minister earlier indicated that Ireland will accept in the region of 1,800 refugees, or three times the current amount Ireland has already agreed to.

Leo Varadkar says Ireland will play its part, but needs a comprehensive EU deal before it can agree to a fixed amount:


It is expected the EU will issue a proposal next week which will see 150,000 extra refugees distributed across member states in response to the current crisis.

Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald, speaking to Newstalk Breakfast, says if this is the case, Ireland will take as many refugees as the EU directs, which could be around 1,800 - three times the current pledge by the Irish Government.

"I do want to say that the Irish Government and I want to respond in the most comprehensive way we can," Minister Fitzgerald told Ivan.

She explained that Ireland will take what is asked of us at a meeting of European justice ministers next Monday.

"If the EU meeting decides on... it was 40,000 last time, but I have to point out that the justice ministers from around Europe were not able to agree to 40,000, collectively they agreed to 32,000... although if that's to be added to by another number... we will make that  proportionate response," she added.

She also discussed the situation refugees and asylum seekers face when they arrive in Ireland. "The big problem in Ireland with direct provision centres on how long people are in the system," she said. "I will be bringing in the legislation in late September, early October to bring in the new procedures to make sure that people's cases will be heard more quickly".

"We absolutely have to have a huge focus on integration, we have to look at the accommodation and resource issues that arise," she pointed out. "At one point we were spending tens of millions on accommodation for asylum seekers... but we have a doubling this year to over 3,500 asylum seekers who will be asking Ireland to hear their cases.

"There are implications for resources, and that's why I want to respond in a way that can ensure we have proper solutions and we deal with people properly."

You can listen back to Frances Fitzgerald's comments below:

Meanwhile the Government has been urged to offer a fast-track asylum procedure for Syrian people who are arriving in Europe.

The aid agency GOAL says the situation in Syria is so severe that people coming from Syria must be quickly granted asylum, and not made to wait in the direct provision system.

GOAL's Barry Andrews says it is important to realise that Syrian people are not simply moving for economic reasons - but to escape the two separate wars in their country:

British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced Britain will take in "thousands more" refugees from camps on the Syrian border.

His change of attitude on the issue comes in the face of growing public and political pressure to respond to the migration crisis unfolding across Europe.

Speaking during a visit to Portugal, Mr Cameron said he would set out more detailed plans next week, and that Britain would act with "our head and our heart".

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