Over 3,500 women from the Republic of Ireland travelled to the UK for abortions last year, according to the British Department of Health. But how accurate are the figures and what story do they tell about how Irish society deals with unexpected pregnancies?
The Irish Women's Abortion Support Group was founded in London in the 1980's. It was a formalisation of a tradition that had long since been in place, where Irish women living in the UK supported women who travelled to get terminations from home.
I spoke to one of the founders of the group, feminist and author Ann Rossiter about the IWASG network. She also told me about her own personal experience getting a backstreet abortion in the 60's in London, and how this is what motivated her in becoming an activist.
The group is still active today, but under another name and run by different people. If you wish to get in touch with them their facebook page is here.
You can listen to the report below.